
When it comes to electronic components, the companies we represent have such vast offerings that it is easier and more efficient for the customer, the manufacturer, and ourselves to act as a representative or sales office, rather than offer their products directly.

Below are some details on the companies we represent, as well as links to their websites. We are happy to answer any queries you may have regarding their products, process any orders you wish to place with them, and arrange for their stockists to contact you directly.

If you have any queries about any of these companies or their products, the person to contact is Peter Craik, email to [email protected].

Which manufacturers of electronic components do we represent?

Ohmite are a leading manufacturer of resistors, capacitors, and heatsinks. We have acted as their sales office in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East for many years now, facilitating purchase orders from across our region, and ensuring our customers receive the best possible service.

Click here to visit the Ohmite website. You will find their complete product range, as well as useful tools such as the JouleTool resistance calculator to help you work out exactly which Ohmite product will best suit you.

Arcol specialise in their local service. Each of their facilities houses each of their processes, from design, to development, to manufacturing, allowing for a quick and easy process from start to finish. This means that any custom designs you may require can be entirely produced in one location.

Click here to visit the Arcol website, where you will find their entire product catalogue, broken down into numerous categories to allow for easy searches. Just get back in touch with Steadlands once you know what you need, and we will arrange it for you.

Kryotherm has over twenty years experience in manufacturing thermoelectric modules. They now have over 250 standard models, and are always researching more efficient designs. They are also in a position where custom engineering is possible, letting you get the thermal solution you need.

Click here to visit Kryotherm’s website. Once you’ve worked out which module best suits your needs, please come back to us and let us know, and we will take it from there.

Davies Molding is the world’s leading manufacturer of high quality plastic knobs, handles, and enclosures for use in countless applications ranging all across the industrial spectrum. they also offer a custom molding service, should you be unable to find anything suitable in their product range.

Click here to visit the Davies Molding website. If you see anything you like, or would like to know more about their services, please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Tangio Printed Electronics is the print electronics division of Sytek Enterprises, a world leader in force sensing solutions. They manufacture a wide variety of Force Sensing Resister (FSR) for use in a wide variety of applications. You can find Tangio’s FSRs available in our store.